Motley | 15 pcs

Sale price Price Rs. 1,995.00 Regular price Unit price  per 


The Classic box contains ~ 350g of assorted dates, figs and walnuts: Persian pistachio dates, apricot & raisin walnuts, salted caramel almond figs. 

The figs, apricots and raisins are from Afghanistan. The Medjool dates are farmed in Jaisalmer, Rajasthan.

All edibles are prepared fresh using natural ingredients. Raw cane sugar used only. Keto-friendly. Gluten free. Vegetarian. Handcrafted. Small batch production and freshly made.

Consumption & Storage: 

Consume fresh within 25 days and keep all contents away from direct sunlight and moisture.

Size: 10.75” x 8” x 1.75”  
Color of the Classic box: Milfred Red